Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I haven't updated in a little while, so I figured I would drop by and let everyone know how things are going.

As far as my past is concerned, I am still struggling with letting go of that stuff. I'm sure that will be a lifelong battle for me, but at least I'm working on it. I am realizing more and more each day that the longer I allow this stuff to bother me, the more I am allowing my abusers to win. I can never forget what happened to me, but I can at least try to live my life well and be spite of it!

I recently got a job, it is part-time right now, but I am enjoying it. I really like the people that I work with, and I enjoy the work that I am doing. The extra money is nice too. ( my husband REALLY likes that part lol) and the pay is pretty good, AND it's right around the corner from my house, and lord knows with the way gas prices are, that is an added bonus.

My anxiety has been just kinda...there lately, nothing too overwhelming so that's good. I am keeping myself busy, so maybe that is helping. Thanks again to all of you who are following me on this journey, and I appreciate all of the feedback I have been getting.

Until next time.........

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