Saturday, July 21, 2012

Here's to the big life!

One of my friends posted this on Facebook today,  and it really got me thinking! When I first started this blog it was because I wanted to talk about my experiences with panic attacks and anxiety, which led me into sharing some very intimate details about my life, I thought that by starting at the beginning, and going through all the pain again, it would some how help me heal, but really all it did was just bring all that pain right back to the surface.

The truth is, I will probably never understand why my parents treated me the way that they did but honestly, it doesn't even really matter now because neither one of them are a part of my life anymore, and I couldn't be happier. After  reading this quote today, I  realized that I don't need to keep those bad memories alive in order to heal. I am much stronger than I give myself credit for, and I do not need to dwell in the past. I am much more than that abused little girl who has held on to that hurt for so many years. I can do better, be better, in fact I AM better. 

The healing process is not quick, and I am still learning that, I am also learning how to love the person that I am, and I'm actually starting to really like myself....which is a BIG step for me!  Getting rid of the negativity in my life was like being born again! Things are much clearer to me now, and I am willing and able to go after what I want, need, and DESERVE!

Of course I was sad, that's part of the reason I was talking about my abusive past, but there is no more room for sadness here, it's all about moving on, and cherishing the love that I have from my husband, my kids, and my family on my husbands side.

So I'm sorry if my readers feel like I "left em hangin'" but I have decided not to entertain that "small life" anymore because I don't want to be stuck there. I want to LIVE, LAUGH, and LOVE!! and there is no room to do that If I'm letting my abusers win. So from now on, that past stays in the past!

Here's to the BIG LIFE!

Friday, July 13, 2012


I know that I have been a bad blogger, and I have not been blogging much  It has been a little hectic for us lately, hubby has been working some overtime, I'm busy working and being mommy, and we are preparing for the upcoming school year.....whew! I'm tired already!! :D

Something totally exciting and scary has happened as oldest daughter has turned 13!!! You heard that right! I am now the parent of a TEENAGER! Yikes! Where did the time go? I have NO idea!

 The scary part is, knowing that my baby girl is growing up before my eyes, and before we know it she will be graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. The exciting part, is being blessed enough to be part of her transformation into adulthood. I feel so much pride and joy when I look at my daughter. She cares so much for others, and she is just an all around good person. My heart swells with joy and love for her! We share a very special bond, and I cherish that.

If there is only one thing in this world that I could wish for, it is that my children know how hard I have tried to be a great mom to them, and give them all the love and support that they deserve. To never treat them as if they are a burden to me, and to always let them know that I will NEVER turn my back on them, like my parents did to me.

Look at that SMILE.......we must be doing SOMETHING right!