Friday, July 13, 2012


I know that I have been a bad blogger, and I have not been blogging much  It has been a little hectic for us lately, hubby has been working some overtime, I'm busy working and being mommy, and we are preparing for the upcoming school year.....whew! I'm tired already!! :D

Something totally exciting and scary has happened as oldest daughter has turned 13!!! You heard that right! I am now the parent of a TEENAGER! Yikes! Where did the time go? I have NO idea!

 The scary part is, knowing that my baby girl is growing up before my eyes, and before we know it she will be graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. The exciting part, is being blessed enough to be part of her transformation into adulthood. I feel so much pride and joy when I look at my daughter. She cares so much for others, and she is just an all around good person. My heart swells with joy and love for her! We share a very special bond, and I cherish that.

If there is only one thing in this world that I could wish for, it is that my children know how hard I have tried to be a great mom to them, and give them all the love and support that they deserve. To never treat them as if they are a burden to me, and to always let them know that I will NEVER turn my back on them, like my parents did to me.

Look at that SMILE.......we must be doing SOMETHING right!

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