Thursday, June 7, 2012

What kind of mother?

Throughout my life I have faced many challenges but getting through the emotional damage has proven to be one of my most difficult. I wrestled with the idea of severing my relationships with my parents for a LONG time, I put up with a LOT from both of them before I finally said..enough is ENOUGH. 

Even though I cut my ties many months ago, from what I hear my mother is still bad mouthing me to anyone who will listen to her. It used to bother me, but now it just makes me LAUGH, and I realize more and more just how miserable a person she really is. She keeps telling everyone that I am "making things up" or that my memories are "wrong" and that I need to just "get over it, it's been 30 years" Well, she is right about one thing...I do need to learn how to get over what she has done, and I am making great strides in that direction, BUT I honestly don't think she even fathoms, or cares to for that matter, the extent of the emotional damage that she has inflicted. It has literally impacted my WHOLE LIFE, and yet she is so quick to dismiss me, and tell me to "get over it" Does this sound to you like someone who is sorry for what they've done?

I guess my question to her would be, "If you are so convinced that you were a good mother, and did the best you could than why do you constantly feel the need to explain, and justify your actions to your friends and other family members? Why are you on such a mission to make me look bad? It's because you are GUILTY and you know it! Just keep lying to your friends, they won't know any better, but YOU and I both do, and that's all that matters! No matter how many people you lie to, the FACTS will still remain the same, so go ahead, keep lying!

She is a master manipulator, and will do anything to make herself look like a victim in any situation, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault and this is just another example.
Is it not enough that she and my father have caused so much emotional damage that I'm STILL trying to get over it? Is it not enough, that I don't talk to her anymore? I mean, what kind of mother makes it her mission to destroy her child? Try as she might, she will NOT succeed. I am happier than I have ever been now that she is out of my life, and even though it has been a struggle, and will probably continue to be for a while...I am taking steps forward each day, and learning how to heal! I will keep working at being a better person, and although I'm not there day I WILL be completely OVER this, and where will she be? Alone with her LIES!

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