Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Twists and Turns

I was 18 when I moved out of my mom and Mikes house

  I found a job at Meijer, and that is where I met Mark...he is my husband. I'm just giving you fair warning...... here comes the "mushy" part ;)

I don't think that their are adequate words in the english language  to express the love and admiration that I have for this man! He is wonderful beyond comprehension. Can you tell that I adore him? ;) Ok, more mushy stuff later....see, that wasn't so bad!

We started dating when I was 18, and he was 17...yes, I'm the "older woman" hehehe. Our relationship was tough for a few years not only because we were so young, but also because we came from two totally  different backgrounds which caused some issues. I was a damaged, scared "little girl" in a womans body, I had no idea how to function in an intimate relationship all I knew was what was shown to my throughout my life which was total dysfunction, so I would constantly fight with Mark.I had grown up in such dysfunction, that I didn't feel normal UNLESS we were fighting. I'm sure this had to be hard for Mark to understand because he comes from a family that loves him. So for someone who was shown love his whole life, I'm sure it must have been confusing for him to understand why I came with so much baggage. God bless this man for sticking by me the way he did. he obviously saw something in me that I couldn't even see becasue he continued to stick by me, and love me.....as broken as I was, he still wanted to be with me, and not only did he WANT to be with me, he wanted to help me.

He is so patient and kind, when I look into his eyes I see....LOVE. I honestly believe that God brought us together because Mark is everything that I need, and my life feels complete because of him. It hasn't always been easy we have been through a lot of things, but the love that we have for each other keeps us going, in fact we just celebrated our ten year anniversary on May 4th!

We dated for about a year, and then I became pregnant, yes we were young and obviously not being very careful but I loved him and I knew he loved me so we were determined to make it work. My pregnancy was pretty unevenful until about 6 months into it, and just like that....with no warning, I went into labor, it was way too soon, and the baby died inside of me before I could make it to the hospital. The placenta had seperated, and there was nothing that could be done. So here we are...teenagers, and we lost or first baby. Needless to say, it was very hard for the both of us, we tried to move on from it and 6 weeks later, we were pregnant again...I know, I KNOW what you are saying. GOOD LORD GIRL, use some protection! It goes without saying, that I have made some bad decisions in my lifetime. So here we are again...pregnant. I went to the doctor and found of that I was indeed pregnant again, but 2 weeks later I miscarried AGAIN! I think that losing another baby sent me over the edge, and I broke. My relationship with Mark was crumbling, and I didn't put up a fight to save it. We eneded up splitting up.

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