Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blood doesn't make you family!

So I moved in with my mom and her boyfriend Mike I totally expected it to suck, but it really didn't. I was amazed at how "NORMAL" Mike was, he didn't hit me, he didn't scream at me...maybe this will be a good thing after all. I got to meet all of Mikes family, they are GREAT people, they accepted me right from the start, and let me tell you....It made me feel wonderful to be part of a LOVING, and CARING family. Lord only knows what this man saw in MY MOTHER...but hey, who am I to question it..I was just happy to be part of it!

I cannot say enough good things about Mike, he was more of a father to me than my own father ever HOPED to be, and he did it gladly. I loved sitting and listening to Mike tell me stories, he had a way of just captivating you, and leaving you wanting to hear more. He was very smart, and loved to work on cars so anytime I had a problem....I knew right where to go, BUT he wouldn't just fix it for me, he made me help him so that I would learn as well. I can change an alternator, change my own oil...any many other things thanks to him!

After I turned 19 I moved out, because my mom said it was time for me to go. So again, I was feeling a sense of I was, FINALLY with someone who CARED about me, and she was making me LEAVE....WTH! and of course when I told her I didn't want to move out, she told me that I was "just afraid to grow up" That was NOT it at all, I didn't want to leave because for once in my life I felt like I had an ally...I didn't want to give that up, but I  had no choice....she told me to get out, so I did. I went to live with a friend, until I  met Mark (who is now my husband,I will get to him later)

My relationship with Mike continued to grow over the years, but we got even closer after I started having kids. Mike adored my kids, which made me love him even more. To be honest, I had never had anyone like him in my life....ever, so I cherished my relationship with him......He wasn't a very "emotional" type of guy, but I always knew that he cared just by the way he treated me and I was the happiest I had ever been. He was my DAD!  It just goes to show you, you don't have to be "blood" to be family.


  1. Mike sounds so least you got to expirience (be it ever so briefly) what having a loving parent SHOULD feel like. Unfortunately you can't pick your parents. Your stuck with what you get. Even more unfortunate for you that you got stuck with the ones you did. I'm sorry deserved so much better than that.ILY <3

  2. I just found your blog thanks to Best Posts of the Week and I like your smooth writing style. I agree that Mike sounds like a keeper. I hope you'll visit me sometime at Chubby Chatterbox. If you do, press the Join button and I'll return the favor. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care.

    Chubby Chatterbox

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    2. Stephen,

      Thank you for visiting my page! I am very new to the "blog scene" :) what is this "best posts of the week" that you speak of?

      I appreciate your compliment. I joined your page and look forward to reading your blog.

  3. This post is listed at Best Posts of the Week ( Check it out. I wonder how you got posted if you didn't do it. It's a good way to get exposure for your blog without paying anything. Good luck.

    Chubby Chatterbox

    1. Thanks for the link...I knew nothing about it, apparently someone else did it for me. :)


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