Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life goes on, and so will we!

I have been thinking a lot lately, about my past, about my life, and about my future. I am realizing that although I have had some really shitty things happen to me in my life, I CAN be better. I don't have to let these things define who I am. I belive that I am keeping myself stuck in the same place because I don't know how to move forward. I have done a lot of work in order to help myself move on, and I think it's time for me to forgive. Not for them, but for me! This does not mean I will let these people back in my life, it simply means letting go of the bitterness, and anger that I hold for them and letting them go out of my head, out of my heart, and out of my life....for good!

I think that sometimes I get so focused on what has happened to me, that I forget to look at whats right in front of me. An amazing husband who loves me UNCONDITIONALLY, great kids, and amazing family (on my husbands side) and a ton of great friends! I need to realize that this is all I need!

I have finally accepted that no matter how hard I try my mother and father will NEVER change, I will always be at fault, and I can see tthat now. They are not capable of love, they use, manipulate, and intimidate in order to contol people, and I just don't want that in my life anymore. I am better than that. Maybe one day they will look back and be sorry for what they have done, and what they have missed out on...hell, maybe not but at least I know that I have done everything I can to be a good's just toooooo bad that they could never appreciate it.

Life goes on, and so will WE!

1 comment:

  1. First off.....I totally agree that you need to move on...ha....yeah......I also know that's a whole lot easier said than done. Something I learned a long time ago is this...You can NEVER change anyone. You can only change how you feel about them. It's a sad,sad matter how you slice it. And you are getting the raw end of the deal,true enough. It's kind of a trickle down effect. Because your kids are getting a raw deal as well. Robbed of that very special bond a child shares with a grandparent. A love like no other....hopefully your husbands parents are normal,loving grandparents to your 3 lovely children.It's a crying shame is what it is. Sickens me and saddens me.You are such an extraordinary person....with such a huge heart SPITE of all you've had to endure. You are a "survivor". And although you didn't come out of it completely unscathed...I'd say you came out of it with a strong determination to STOP THE CYCLE. You have survived the odds. Statistically....children of abusive parents abuse their own children. And I know what a terrific mommy you are...and how much you adore your family.This is an ordeal which otherwise STINKS. I love you...I pray for you. I ask God to release the burdens of the past that have haunted for too long. I am ALWAYS here for you...if ever you need me,dear,sweet Brandy.You are one strong woman.


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