Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Now what?

After living with my grandparents for a few years, my dad decided to move us into his girlfriends house. She had two sons (twins) they were precious, and I adored them but that didn't last long, so it was back to my grandparents house until he decided to take us with him again.

My dad met a woman and married her, she had 3 sons ( I still talk to them) It was rough trying to blend the family but we did our best. It was nice to have a mother figure in my life. She always tried to be there for me and I appreciate it, but I certainly didn't make things easy for her. I hope that she forgives me lol. I was broken at that point, I didn't really want to get close to anyone else. I was afraid to be hurt.....again.

At this point, things didn't seem to be too bad. Maybe it was because my dad didn't want to show his true colors to his new wife, I'm not sure, but I remember this time in my life least bearable, but as dysfunction goes, it didn't take long for something to happen. My brother was about 15 at this point and I was 14. My dad and my brother started to butt heads.....badly, and I remember them getting into an arguement and my brother saying " I'm gonna go live with mom" and my dad just said "good, GO" and I'm like WTF, wait.....NO, Don't leave me! I always looked up to my brother, in a lot of ways I felt like he was all I had, and now he's just gonna leave me.....GREAT, and just like that....a few days later he was GONE.......NOW WHAT?

I did my best not to think about it, but it did bother me a lot. I felt like he abandoned me, but little did I know, it wouldn't be long before I would join him......even though it wasn't my choice!

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