Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This has to be better.....right?

 So after my brother left, things were hard, but I managed. I didn't see him again for 3 years. My dad and his wife were still married ( I think, but not living together anymore) So yep you guessed it....back to my grandparents house.

One day my dad just decided that it was time for me to go live with my mom, because he thought that I was dating a black boy (excellent reason to disown me, don't you think) and of course he wasn't going to have THAT! and decided that it would be a great idea if he made me go live with my MOM.

 Did I mention that he isn't too intelligent? So here is how that story went.....

I had been working all day that day ( I worked at Wendys at the time) so I had come home and was taking a nap in my room when I hear someone BEATING on my door, I mean literally beating on it like the house was on fire. I open the door, and there is my father....he tells me "pack your shit you are going to live with your mother" No discussion, no explanation, no nothing just "pack your shit" well of course I was stunned, I just woke up! and I had no idea why the hell he was doing this to me so of course I said NO.

Well, in my family if you show any signs of disobedience you were just asking to get the shit beat out of you! so of course that is EXACTLY what happened, only this wasn't some light spanking. This was a full body contact.....ASS KICKING. As soon as I said no, it was "game on" I went and sat down on my bed, and said "I'm not going anywhere" and of course my dad had a different idea, so he came in and grabbed me, and lifted me straight up in the air (my dad is a very big man, and was a professional boxer at one point in his life) so he had the strength, and ability to inflict some major damage! So at this point I am scared to death because I know I'm about to get really hurt. The whole time, I am asking him why he is doing this and he just kept saying " you know exactly why" but at that point I had NO idea. I found out later. So here I am, in the grips of this man who I KNOW is going to hurt me, and I can't get away. So I start kicking him to try and free myself from his grip. IT WORKED, he dropped me so I took off running towards my bedroom door, I wanted to get as much distance between us as I could, but just as I reached the door I felt his hand grab the back of my neck, and SLAM right into the wall I went....that one hurt! Somehow I managed to get up and try to run again, this time I made it to the front door but he was never far behind. I did make it into the street, and I was SCREAMING for help, for someone to call the police.....I was CONVINCED he was going to KILL ME. He had this look in his eye, I can't even describe it........PURE EVIL but that help never came.

 My dad forced me into the car and drove me 3 hours to my moms here in Michigan. He dropped me off, and I didn't see him again until my grandmother died a few years later. There was a silver lining to this cloud though, my brother! I was reunited with this HAD TO BE BETTER......RIGHT?

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